1. USA Hockey rules will be followed as a guideline. League rules will take precedence over any differences.
  2. All games are no-check; competitive contact is allowed.
  3. All players must be 18 years-old by the close of registration.
    1. Questions regarding a player's age, agents of Midwest Hockey will confirm proof of age from a driver's license, state ID, or another governmental ID.
  4. ROSTERS: Must be submitted 7 days before the first game to confirm players' eligibility and then locked. All liability forms must be completed prior to any player playing.
    1. Team jerseys must be same/similar in color & player numbers must be specific to each player AS LISTED on the submitted roster (no duplicate numbers).
    2. Maximum rostered players: 26; 20 can dress each game. NO SUBSTITUTES!
    3. ONLY Midwest Hockey & its agents have the right to conduct roster checks or remove unrostered players.
      1. Violation: Match penalty (30-day suspension)
    4. Roster checks- allowed until the end of the 1st period or if a questionable player(s) arrives late.
      1. Request made to the officials by the captain (or bench manager)
      2. Player is rostered- the requesting team receives a Delay of Game bench minor penalty.
    5. Midwest Hockey Admin reserves the right to move a team to the appropriate division based on the submitted roster.
  5. Players MUST choose their primary team and cannot play on 2 teams in the same division.
    1. Players can only play up or down (1) division from their designated division (2 teams total).
      1. Exception: Goaltenders & they must be registered in the current season.
  6. WARM-UP: 5 minutes
  7. PERIOD LENGTH: (3) 14-minute periods.
    1. No Scorekeeper: (3) 17-minute running time periods.
  8. Games will NOT start without a goalie- forfeit recorded against the team without a goalie.
    1. After the 5-minute warm-up, an additional 5 minutes will be placed on the clock. If, after that time, the goalie is missing from either team, the game will be declared a forfeit.
    2. (NEW) If a goalie leaves a game already in progress, due to injury only, and NO teammate accepts the Temporary Goalie or BUG position, a forfeit against that team will be recorded.
      1. Back-Up Goalie (BUG)-Teammate agrees to dress in ALL goaltender’s gear (USAH 206b CB#6).
  9. Icing: Blue line will be observed at all levels.
  10. Face-offs: Conducted at one of the 9 face-off dots.
  11. Time-outs: One (1) 30-second time-out per team per game.
  12. Running Time: Anytime in the 3rd period with a 5-goal differential (incl playoffs & championships).
    1. If the score falls below a 5-goal differential- revert back to stop time.
  13. Goals (C3 Division ONLY): 3 goals/player per game will be enforced. If, in the referees' discretion, the puck went into the net by the defending team's actions & last attacking player to play the puck already has 3 goals- the goal will stand.
    1. Responsibility is on THE PLAYER for knowing how many goals they have in the game.
    2. Any player who already has 3 goals & deliberately shoots at the net to “harass” the opposing goaltender will be ejected for the remainder of that game (GEP). This will be at the discretion of the officials.
    3. If a game ends in a tie during regulation, a shoot-out will take place. Any player who scored three goals during regulation is NOT PERMITTED to participate in the shoot-out.
  14. Tied Game: If the score is tied after the initial 3 periods, a 3-person shootout will take place.
    1. Home team chooses which team shoots first.
    2. Penalized players cannot participate if their penalty(s) have not expired at the end of the 3rd period.
    3. C3 Division only- Any player who scored 3 goals during regulation is NOT ALLOWED to shoot.
    4. Still tied after the first 3 players of each team shoot, "Sudden Death" will be in effect with each team getting 1 shot in each round until one team scores and the other does not to declare a winner.
    5. Playoff games: Up to (3) 5-minute, 5v5 “Sudden Death” overtime periods. If there is still no winner, regular season shootout procedure.
      1. C3 Division only- Any player who accumulated 3 goals total during regulation or any OT is NOT ALLOWED to shoot.
  15. PENALTIES: **Any suspensions are in addition to any other required suspensions incurred during the same incident. **Any player playing on multiple teams will also be suspended from those teams until the suspension has been served for the team they received the suspension on.
    1. Referees may assess a game ejection penalty (GEP- no additional game suspension).
    2. (Individual) 3 penalties/game- removed from the remainder of that game (GEP).
    3. (Individual) 4 or more penalties/game- suspension for the next 2 games of that team.
    4. MAJOR Penalties: GEP or a game misconduct penalty (a 2-game suspension) at the referees’ discretion.
    5. Abuse of Officials game misconduct (USAH 601d): 2-game suspension.
    6. Fighting penalty: 5-game suspension
    7. "Match" penalties will be investigated & any appropriate suspensions will be determined by Midwest Hockey LLC.
    8. Zero tolerance will be enforced regarding sportsmanship.
  16. FORFEITS shall automatically occur for the following instances when:
    1. A team plays a player not on the Master Roster, AND the captain will be suspended for one (1) game.
    2. A team plays a suspended player (including double rostered players), AND the captain will be suspended for one (1) game.
    3. No goalie (see #8).
    4. League fees not paid up to date.
  17. The Crystal Ice House has a “No alcohol” policy; fines assessed by the police are the individual’s responsibility. Midwest Hockey will assess the following if alcohol is found on the bench or playing surface:
    1. 1st offense- GEP for the offending player(s)
    2. 2nd offense- 5-game suspension to the offending player(s)
    3. 3rd- offense- Forfeit by the offending team.
  18. Keep the locker rooms & area around your vehicles clean- bring garbage bags & take any garbage with you.
    1. Any fees for cleaning/damage to rooms or keys will be the team’s responsibility, NOT Midwest Hockey LLC. Teams may lose locker room privileges until fees are paid.
  19. Standings will be determined as follows:
    1. a. Win- 2 points
    2. b. Overtime/Shootout loss- 1 point
    3. c. Loss- 0 points
  20. Players not contributing their fair share of league fees to their captain may be suspended from all teams within the league.
    1. Captains need to notify Midwest Hockey LLC if players owe fees. (Players have been known to switch teams to avoid paying their fair share of league fees.)


 Updated: 8/30/24